Bjorkstrom Robotics is a team of developers, architects, visual engineers and construction industry experts that have developed GPS positioned Augmented Reality AR mainly for the construction industry. They are based in Lund, Sweden.

Technological areaAI / MLAugmented Reality
Value Chain Segment:Specialised materials supplier (e.g., supplier of a specific technology or service)
Products and/or services:
- Augmented Reality 3D-visualisation tools. Hägring, Hägring Tab, and Hägring Panoptikon. Hägring is based on an Augmented/Mixed/Virtual reality, AR/MR/VR technique. This technique, combined with high accuracy GPS, gives the user a unique experience whereby it is possible to see future buildings, that have not yet been built, on site. The user can move around freely, into, and even through, the building. With Hägring Tab the user can see how the building fits into the existing surroundings as well as getting a feel of its dimensions, all in real time.
- Hägring Panoptikon is a web-based solution where one can upload videos from drones and BIM models. Panoptikon will automatically create a visualization movie where reality has been very accurately mixed with BIM models. For project leaders or architects who wish to have a project movie done easily and cost effective.